Spiritual Notions of the 21st Century

Your spirit is eternal and indestructible. It does not perish, nor can it be destroyed. Because your spirit remains constant, it leaves traces of its actions wherever it goes. Consequently, the Karmic consequences you face in this life are the direct result of your spirit’s actions or inactions in its previous incarnations, even though you are now in a new physical body. These consequences might manifest in various aspects of your life, such as the quality and quantity of your relationships, the depth of your inner thoughts, the successes or failures you experience, or your health. These outcomes are all tied to the cause and effect of reincarnation.

Understanding your Karma is unlike fortune-telling, which can leave you feeling helpless because fortune-telling doesn’t reveal the origins of your circumstances or how to correct your path. Knowing your Karma is understanding the past actions you likely cannot remember but continue to influence your present life. No one is perfect, so recognising your blind spots or shortcomings is crucial for starting the process of rectification.

The Divine reveals your Karma so that you can understand:

The true value of your life: There is a significant difference between how the Divine and the mortal world perceive the value of life. Knowing your Karma, you will know what is expected of you from the Divine’s perspective. You will gain insight into whether you have established good and correct life values and whether you need to address discrepancies. If such differences exist, it’s important to adjust your mindset and resolve to align yourself with the Divine’s expectations.

How to untangle the "knots" in your heart and find liberation: By understanding your Karma, you gain insight into your inner mind. This awareness allows you to recognise unresolved conflicts or emotional entanglements from previous lives that may continue to affect you if they are not addressed. Because of your spirit’s "memory," the emotions and feelings accumulated from past lives will naturally surface and shape your character, personality, and experiences in this life. Understanding your Karma is key to uncovering the root of your inner struggles, fears, and doubts, ultimately leading to liberation.

How to avoid reckoning in the Causalistic Century: Karma is like burning charcoal—if you don’t fan or stir it, the charcoal will eventually burn itself out. But if you remain unaware of your Karma, you may unknowingly fuel your life’s challenges, causing the flames to grow beyond your control. This can lead to a reckoning, a spiritual crisis that is often unimaginable and sometimes deadly. By understanding your Karma, you can minimise or avoid this reckoning by intervening at the right time and in the right way, preventing your Karma from fully manifesting.

The 21st century ushers in a new cosmology with updated spiritual principles. The old ways of interacting with the Divine are gradually being replaced. Some traditional concepts and practices have been discarded as part of this transformation, granting you direct access to Divinity and better preparing you to face the challenges of this new era. However, these transitions may cause nervousness, distress, fear, scepticism, and doubt. It’s crucial to understand how these changes impact your life.

This mortal (physical) world is where the Divine oversees the testing of spirits. It’s essential to realise that you are the one being tested as you navigate life’s trials and tribulations, while the Divine observes. Many people mistakenly expect the Divine to intervene directly to solve their problems. If you hold such expectations, it’s important to reflect on this: despite the rapid development of human civilisation, why do we still struggle to understand the nature of life and death? What happens after we die? Where do we go? Will death bring liberation? Not necessarily!

By embracing new spiritual notions and practising mindfulness in this life, you can liberate your spirit without waiting for death. This is the message the Divine wishes to convey to you.

In response to the changing society, the Divine has adopted new methods for transforming all beings in the 21st century. This includes direct modes of engagement, such as Karmic Reading, which reveals the connections between your past and present life, and how they will influence your future lives. Through these insights, you gain a deeper understanding of spiritual truths and the existence of the Divine. The Divine’s goal is to guide you to realise that a higher power oversees all of us. If you believe in the Divine, your faith must be unwavering. Any doubt will challenge your commitment to your enlightenment. Only with firm faith, an unshakable heart and consistent interaction with your Spiritual or Guardian Angel will you receive the blessings and protection of the Divine.

What is the greatest obstacle you face in this life? The belief that you cannot attain enlightenment within this lifetime. 

Sadly, spiritual attainment is often seen as the pursuit of a select few.

However, attaining enlightenment in a single lifetime is possible in the 21st century. Spiritual practices today do not require chanting sutras or mantras or becoming a monk or nun. Instead, they involve practices integrated into your daily life and interactions with your environment. By being mindful of your thoughts, speech, and actions, and confronting greater adversities, you may gradually move closer to enlightenment. You will gain clearer insights into the modern interaction between mortals and Divinity when you adapt to the new spiritual principles aligned with the Divine. As the adage goes, if you start climbing the wrong mountain, you will never reach the correct summit!

What is spiritual practice in the 21st century?

It is the pursuit of a conscientious body, mind, and spirit!

In simple terms (not exhaustive):

Conscientiously care for your body:

Ensure its health and well-being.

Conscientiously cultivate a conscience:

Clearly distinguish between right and wrong.

Conscientiously build self-confidence:

Approach life’s challenges with a positive mindset.

Conscientiously develop firm faith:

Live sincerely, proactively, and spiritually.

Conscientiously seek spiritual growth:

Meditate, reflect, and calm your mind.

Conscientiously awaken your wisdom:

Embrace spirituality and sense the presence of Divinity.

And lastly, strive for enlightenment