The Heart of the Matter

This mortal world is a testing ground where the Divine puts us through trials. In it, we experience and learn to see life as the Divine does. We are subjected to painful and seemingly cruel trials in all our lifetimes. These tribulations persist as long as we remain trapped in the cycle of reincarnation.

Among the most challenging trials are the emotional entanglements between men and women. These are difficult to comprehend, overcome, and resolve. Those affected often find themselves trapped in emotional blackmail, confusion, denial, or a sense of loss. The situation can worsen when family and friends, knowingly or unknowingly, pass judgment on the person's emotional intelligence or fail to empathise. Such reactions often lead the sufferer to withdraw, isolating themselves to protect their vulnerable state of mind. This isolation can eventually spiral into severe depression, with potentially tragic outcomes.

To resolve our current circumstances, we must trace the origins of our conditioning, as revealed through Karmic readings. Contrary to popular belief, our conditioning does not originate in this life but in a previous one. When we uncover the roots of our conditioning, the answers we seek become clear. This fundamental truth reveals that emotional entanglements between men and women are not the exception but the norm.

Consider the case of Miss J, a professional in her early 40s, who sought answers about her troubled relationship with a man. Before exploring Miss J's Karma, Lord Nalakuvara revealed her spiritual essence to explain that her emotional and professional struggles were partly due to the disparity between her essence and life’s choices. Miss J’s spiritual essence originated from one of the Three Pure Ones (Immortals) known as the "Virtuous One," and conflicted with her moral and ethical indiscretions. This conflict created severe internal turmoil, which affected her psychologically. Unknowingly, her choices were creating a rift between her spirit and soul. Upon hearing this, Miss J managed a faint smile but remained silent, seemingly at a loss for words.

Lord Nalakuvara then revealed her Karmic conditioning to help her understand the roots of her current predicament.

In one past life, Miss J was a male, abandoned by his parents in a Taoist temple, where he grew up to become a well-respected Taoist. Despite his lack of practical life experience, he provided effective guidance to devotees based on the principles of the Doctrine of Morality, written by Lao Zi, the founder of Taoism. This experience deeply influenced Miss J's spirit and sense of morality.

In another life, Miss J was born female and married at 16, giving birth to three daughters. Fearing that she could not produce a male heir, her in-laws allowed their son to take a concubine, against her will. Though she resented the arrangement, she eventually accepted it. Ironically, the concubine bore only daughters, revealing that the arrangement was merely an excuse for her husband's desires. Despite this, Miss J did not despise the concubine; instead, they became close confidantes. They even conspired together against their husband. Later in life, Miss J chose to spend her remaining years in a nunnery after a chance meeting with a practising nun.

After listening to her Karmic readings, Miss J hesitantly asked if she would become a concubine in this life. Lord Nalakuvara paused before revealing that the man she was having an affair with was the reincarnation of her confidante (the concubine from her past life), and the man's wife was the reincarnation of her past-life husband.

Miss J was stunned into silence. Eventually, she confessed that she had been involved with a married man for many years. Although she recognised her actions were morally wrong, she admitted she couldn't forgo her feelings for him. She had tried to leave him multiple times but always returned to the relationship. To complicate matters, the man's wife was aware of the affair but did not seem to oppose it.

From a Karmic perspective, the wife (who was Miss J's husband in a past life) is now facing the consequences of her previous actions, enduring her spouse's infidelity as retribution for her past-life behaviour. This is a profound revelation of Karma.

Lord Nalakuvara explained that Miss J's inability to leave the relationship was due to the strong Karmic bond between her and the man. The Angel advised Miss J that to break these bonds, she would have to focus on spiritual faith and practice moving forward.

Miss J, lacking self-confidence, asked if she could change her life. Lord Nalakuvara reassured her that now, with the knowledge of her spiritual essence, she could find guidance from her Spiritual Angel if she chose to walk the righteous path.

In a final, hurried question, Miss J asked if the man would ever leave his wife. Lord Nalakuvara responded firmly that if Miss J left him, he would return to his wife. If she continued the affair, their relationship would remain the same, continuing to cause her torment and agony. Lord Nalakuvara encouraged Miss J to seek a new life, free from emotional entanglements, now that she knew her true spiritual identity.

Before leaving, Miss J inquired about her career. Lord Nalakuvara pointed out that her job, which involved dealing with numbers, conflicted with her moral beliefs, as it often required her to condone unethical business practices. Miss J agreed to seek a different profession aligned with her values.

As she left, Miss J commented that she was relieved to have this realisation before reaching her 60s, as she might otherwise have died with regrets.