A Series of Realisations

Every spiritual essence is unique, and the journey to enlightenment for such an essence is inherently solitary; it is a lonely path. Despite the Divine’s inspiration for many to lead an enlightened life, the choice to do so remains with the few who are faithful. Enlightenment is not a destination; no matter how far you search, you won’t find it. Instead, it is a series of profound realisations, often emotionally charged moments, meant to dispel the remnants of doubt born from an ignorant mind.

Indulgence in Ignorance

Despite humanity’s tremendous advancements over the past century, ignorance still reigns supreme. While living conditions have improved significantly and choices have multiplied, these advancements have come at a cost. Progress without morality and wisdom leads to excess, greed, power, and status-seeking. In a world increasingly focused on prosperity, more people today feel lost, insecure, frustrated, confused, and fearful for their future. They cling desperately to their abundance, or even their lack, unaware of the damage they are doing to their Karma and their connection with the Divine. If this grasping continues to permeate every aspect of life, the Divine cannot bestow divinity upon them. No amount of grasping will extend your life or bring you closer to enlightenment. To the Divine, only a Spirit free from grasping will ultimately find salvation.

The teachings of the Divine are simple, but it is our grasping that creates confusion and complexity. Your relentless pursuit of personal desires breeds internal conflicts and contradictions. Unless you learn to curb your desires, you will realise indulgence has no place in your path to enlightenment—regardless of whether you live a life of abundance or scarcity. Seeking enlightenment must be the primary purpose of your life.

All grasping fuels your feelings and emotions. The desire to possess something—whether it’s power, status, security, material belongings, or even someone—a spouse, child, grandchild, friend, or pet—creates a powerful sense of gratification that roots feelings and emotions deep within your psyche. Karma is set in motion when these feelings and emotions find expression (or non-expression) through your physical body. Karma begets karma, with the effects of every action or inaction, expression or non-expression, rippling through the lives of those you interact with. In this way, you are interconnected with all others, bound by the actions and expressions stemming from the feelings and emotions your Spirit has carried forward from past lives, now further complicated by your present grasping. This cycle continues until you awaken from the dreamlike state we call reality.

The Catalyst for Enlightenment

Life is transient, and everything associated with life is therefore transient. Time does not begin at birth or end at death; anything tied to time is irrelevant to life and death. Most of us view our lives only in terms of the present. However, the Divine sees our “life” as the present expression of grasping carried over from previous lives. We must realign our perspective to this understanding to see life from the Divine’s viewpoint. When you understand the purpose of this realignment, you’ll realise that life and time—those two pillars by which we measure our journey in this mortal world—are insignificant to the Divine. They are merely tools guiding us toward enlightenment.

A new birth heralds a new life. More importantly to the Divine, a new life offers a new opportunity to align one’s perspective with the Divine, to rekindle a lost relationship, or to correct a wrong from a previous life. If we see our lives as filled with opportunities to neutralise our sensations, feelings, and emotions—both past and present—then this life becomes a catalyst for enlightenment. It’s not enough to count your blessings; it’s equally important to recognise that each moment of life now is an opportunity for awakening—to see through the veil of reality, escape the cycle of samsara, and emerge as an enlightened being.