Seek Divine Blessings

Seek Divine blessings to request Divine's assistance and support in the coming lunar year. Those whose request is approved will be endowed to receive the favour and help of all Divine Angels throughout the new lunar year. Recipients will be bestowed a divine token which will activate all Divine Angels to render support and assistance to the recipient.

To seek divine blessings is very important for a spiritual practitioner.  It represents the affirmation of your behaviour, actions, dedication and efforts in your daily practices. The Divine bestows blessings to help you make progress and breakthroughs in life and your spiritual practice. Those who seek Divine blessings must abide by the four tenets of mortal living: "Ethical Conduct, Filial Piety, Self-realisation, and Charity."  Those who comply with these four tenets during the year may have the opportunity to seek Divine blessings again the following year (so on and so forth).

Ethical conduct: Always be mindful of the correct morals and virtues and be clear in your intentions toward yourself or others. Be clear about right and wrong, constantly review your thoughts and deeds, and do not shy away from admitting, owning and correcting any mistakes you have made.

Filial Piety: To know that this is an integral part of your roles and responsibilities in this life. When you perform your roles and responsibilities well, you fulfil your filial piety too. To be unclear about your roles and responsibilities is to forsake filial piety.

Self-realisation: To understand your karma, spiritual essence, and relationship with the Divine- "know thy spiritual roots and ultimate destination."

Charity: To transform others and to propagate the truth of reincarnation. To guide and lead others towards spirituality, so they may one day break free from the sufferings and cycles of reincarnation.

Step 1: You register your personal information to be included in the Divine’s shortlisting process. We will first seek input from your Spiritual or Guardian Angel before onward submission for approval. You can proceed to the second step if approved. If not, you can only re-register the following year.

Step 2: We will give you a copy of your testimony letter.

Step 3: Before the testimony letter is submitted, it is witnessed by Lord Nalakuvara. The bestowment of blessings on the candidate will begin at the start of the first lunar month of the new year.

We will prepare and submit the letter for you. However, you must remain mindful of your commitment to the four tenets of mortal living.

Your full name, date of birth, current address and contact information.

Participants 15 years old or above (based on the lunar calendar) can register to seek Divine blessings. However, some applications may not be shortlisted as decided by the Divine.

Apart from your age, there are no other restrictions.

Yes. You are encouraged to register.

There are many factors; for example, the applicant is afflicted by metaphysical interferences such as karmic creditors, demonic spirits, ghosts, etc. Other special factors could be the non-support of Spiritual or Guardian Angels, or that the applicant is deemed to have incorrect concepts of seeking blessing, or life in general.

29 December 2024.

We will let all applicants know before 12 January 2025.

Year of the Snake 2025 (29 January 2025 to 16 February 2026).

Please WhatsApp us at +60146178815.