

Awakening lives since 2008


Know Your Spirit Within

You are a blend of Spirit and Soul. Your Soul, rooted in your body, expresses joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire. However, your body is temporary, eventually succumbing to decay and death. In contrast, your Spirit is an eternal, indestructible energy infused within the body. While the Soul expresses emotions, your Spirit generates these emotions, drawing from experiences, sensations, feelings, and emotions accumulated over many lifetimes. Upon the death of your body, your Spirit departs this physical vessel to re-enter the cycle of birth and rebirth, imbuing with a new body to start a new life. It is your Spirit that shapes and sustains your Karma. Understanding your Spirit is key to spiritual wellness, marking the beginning of your journey toward self-realisation, spiritual enlightenment, and immortality.



人是由「灵」与「魂」的结合。魂源于肉体而能够表达情感:喜、怒、哀、惧、爱、恶、欲;但是肉体最终还是会死亡。而您的灵是坚不可摧的能源;它是不朽的!虽然魂善于表达,但正是您的灵才能「唤醒」即促使魂来表达积累多世的感应、感觉、与感受。当您死后,您的灵就会离开您的肉体而回到「轮回」的循环中,在那里您的灵与新的肉体融合而开始了新的人生。 因为灵的存在才有「因果轮回」之道理;所以要拥有健康心灵的人生就必须认识自己的灵,故了解「灵」才能代表您正在迈向醒悟之道,让它来引导您的开悟与得到永生。


The cycle of birth and rebirth is unending. Every Spirit undergoes this journey to overcome ignorance and see beyond the illusions of impermanence. The only way a Spirit can escape this cycle is by attaining enlightenment—realising the Truth and dissolving all Karma.

Your Spirit's existence generates Karma—the cause and effect of its actions and inactions as it navigates the mortal world. Karma arises from your mortal existence, and because your Spirit carries the sensations, feelings, and emotions of all your lifetimes, resolving your Karma requires neutralising these experiences. The intrinsic nature of your Spirit shapes your character, personality, and life experiences. Inner conflicts stem from the conditioning of your Spirit in past lives, while the resulting Karma weaves complexities into your relationships, often manifesting in various situations without your conscious awareness. To truly achieve spiritual wellness, you must first recognise the conditioning of your Spirit. Only then can you fully understand Karma's impact on your relationships and life choices.





Karmic Reading, Health & Healing, Karmic Resolutions

The conditioning of your Spirit in past lives shapes your present and future. As a unique Spiritual essence, your Spirit forms intricate, interdependent relationships with others, driven by feelings and emotions accumulated from previous lifetimes. These emotions hinder your path to enlightenment, making it essential to understand their origins. By learning to neutralise these feelings and emotions in this life, you can prevent them from carrying over into your future lives. This is why knowing and understanding your past lives is important before you can permanently change your future. By reflecting on your past, you'll uncover behaviours, often unconscious, that stem from these emotions that obstruct your progress in this life and beyond. Your journey is uniquely yours, but understanding your Karma will prompt deep self-reflection, leading you to approach life with a new and more enlightened perspective.

Spirituality goes beyond religions and religious practices. As such, we do not affiliate with or represent any religious order, faith, or organisation nor do we promote any religious ideologies. Lord Nalakuvara reveals the Truth of your existence by guiding you to discover and realise your Spirit—a realisation that transcends all races and religions. This awakening frees and enlightens, stripping away lifetimes of ignorance. By uncovering the origin of your Spirit, you are offered a lifeline in the abyss of ignorance and despair, which are the consequences of your Spirit’s attachments through its cycle of impermanent lives.



