Karmic Debts, Creditors and Divine Adjudication

What are karmic debts?

In our previous lives, we inevitably create grudges with others through our actions or inactions; notwithstanding the deeds were done with good intentions, on purpose, ignorantly, or unwittingly. Karmic debts are therefore a natural phenomenon of reincarnation (karma). In our daily interactions, we could easily become indebted to someone, cause harm, or render injustices to others intentionally or unintentionally. These entanglements- whether they were about money, love, passion, murder, extra-marital affairs, betrayals, physical or verbal abuses, etc- cause grudges to take hold if they were not dealt with fairly and reasonably then. These are referred to as karmic debts and such debts, if they remain unresolved, will continue to plague (haunt) the spirit (person) when it reincarnates in this mortal world.

What are karmic creditors?

Where there are debts there will always be creditors, and creditors normally seek out the debtor who owes the debt. In short, karmic creditors are people we had interacted with in our previous lives and with whom there were grudges, but they had remained unresolved. Until the grudges are resolved fairly and reasonably, karmic creditors will always seek out their debtor(s) in this life.

What are the types of karmic creditors?

There are 2 types of karmic creditors:

What are reborn karmic creditors?

A reborn karmic creditor refers to a living human being. For example, a member of our families such as husband, wife, children, parents, siblings, uncles, uncles, father-in-law, mother-in-law, etc; or non-family members such as business partners, bosses, workers, colleagues, friends, strangers, etc. Such creditors may be reborn with us to rekindle relationships, or to seek resolutions for the karmic debts owed to them! If negative feelings and emotions cannot be resolved in a past life, there will inevitably be adverse reactions if the creditor and debtor were to meet again in this life. Without proper handling, feelings and emotions between them can deteriorate and create more animosities. This is why it is important to know our karma so we can learn to resolve our feelings and emotions.

What are unborn karmic creditors?

An unborn karmic creditor refers to a spirit waiting to be reincarnated. That is, it is in the underworld undergoing the process of birth and rebirth. Notwithstanding that the debtor is already reborn in this mortal world, these unborn karmic creditors can declare their grievances to Lord Yama in the underworld, and after obtaining his fair judgement and ruling, be permitted to legitimately seek out a resolution with the debtor in this mortal world. In short, these unborn karmic creditors are given the decree to seek out their debtors to resolve their emotional entanglements or grievances! This type of creditors is the most troublesome because they are empowered and unseen (i.e., they are metaphysical entities). If the karmic debt is unresolved, unborn karmic creditors can cause harm to the future development of the person. The situation is akin to creditors obtaining a court order to compel the debtor to repay its debts. Failure to do so could result in the seizure or disposal of the debtor's assets.

What harm can unborn karmic creditors do?

The most common consequence is emotional instability. The fluctuations are due to impinged resentments of the unborn karmic creditor on the debtor that lead to emotional upheavals. In more serious situations, the unborn karmic creditor can cause major obstacles and losses to one's practice, career, work, family, health, and finances. Generally speaking, when we feel that we have worked hard but are not getting what we deserve: for example, we’ve given our best but are still unable to overcome adversity; we feel a lack of a breakthrough in our spiritual practice; we suffer from inexplicable illnesses; we face constant family disputes; we’re unable to achieve satisfactory advancement or expectations in career or health; we find our efforts in vain, etc. All these consequences could be due to the influence of unborn karmic creditors.

What do unborn karmic creditors want?

They are usually not malicious. They seek only mediation and justice as soon as possible. But if the debtor remains indifferent, the creditor(s) may resort to extreme measures to ensure a prompt settlement.

Does everyone have karmic creditors?

Karmic debts are a natural phenomenon of reincarnation. Hence, all reborn spirits have to contend with karmic debts and creditors. The only exceptions are those who are “new” to reincarnations (i.e., first or 2nd lifetime), or who have had far fewer reincarnations than most others. For most people, however, the question is not whether there are karmic debts and creditors to worry about but how many are there to contend with! As the adage goes: "Creditors have better memories than debtors!" Our karmic creditors will find us in this life or the next. No matter the debts we will have to pay off eventually!

Does my karmic reading reveal my karmic debts and creditors?

From your karmic reading, you can understand why you harbour resentments, negative feelings, or emotions towards yourself and others. In addition to the karmic debts that you will need to resolve in this life, Lord Nalakuvara will reveal if you have any karmic creditors by your side.

Does it mean I don’t have any karmic debts and creditors if they were not mentioned in my karmic reading?

No. The Divine only reveals your deeds in 2 of your past lives during your karmic reading to explain how these 2 past lives affect your present life. This does not mean that you have not held grudges or caused grievances to others in other past lives. Hence, if your karmic reading did not mention karmic debts and creditors, it does not mean you won’t face such issues in this life. It just means you have not encountered them yet! 

Your karmic creditor might have just arrived in the underworld waiting for reincarnation and he has yet to figure out the situation. Once it is made known, your creditor can approach Lord Yama for permission to seek resolution from you in this mortal world. Some karmic creditors are yet to act since they don't know your whereabouts. Nonetheless, the Divine can arrange for the creditor and debtor to be reincarnated in a future life to allow them to resolve their differences face-to-face.

How should a practitioner approach the question of karmic debts and creditors?

Spiritual practice and attainment in the 21st and 22nd centuries can be broadly categorised under 3 key pillars: “body”, “conscience”, and “spirit”. The issue of karmic debts and creditors arises because we have not grasped the essence of "conscience" and "spirit"; both of which are deemed separate by most people. That is, we rely on the false belief that our spirit does not need conscience as its basis of interaction with others, and instead, acts on self-preservation and self-benefits without realisations

A spiritual practitioner must learn to control his thoughts and deeds to break free from the grip of karmic debts and creditors. He must be conscientious, steadfast, and positive in facing and dealing with problems. In short, remember the teachings of the Divine: "Know thy mistakes, admit wrongdoings, and repent!"

Why is it important to opt for Divine Adjudication of Karmic Debts and Creditors?

An avatar of an Angel is born out of “purity” and “virtue”. The Divine Adjudication process will allow someone who is an avatar of an Angel to return to the Divine Angel in its original pure and virtuous form when its spiritual longevity lapses. In short, the avatar is allowed to repent by giving up resentments and hatred, and given the will to resolve the misunderstanding or resentment with others before its return to Divinity. 

For other spiritual essences, Divine Adjudication will ensure that all karmic debts associated with unborn karmic creditors (revealed or unrevealed) are resolved promptly such that these grievances and debts are not brought forward to a future life. In short, the spirit can start a new life on a clean slate after the adjudication.

What are the procedures of Divine Adjudication?

The Divine Adjudicator from the Divine Court of Adjudication presides over the adjudication process. Before the adjudication, the debtor must notify the Divine Court of his or her wish to resolve all karmic debts related to unborn karmic creditors. The Divine Adjudicator and Courts will then review and settle the grievances case by case at the predetermined date, place, and time.

The debtor must be present at the resolution service and maintain a humble, solemn attitude throughout the session.